Sisu Firearms - CPL Training

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Just a Matter of Time

IIn the late 1980’s, I started to consider going through the process of obtaining my Concealed Pistol License (CPL) in Michigan.  Back then, it was a little more cumbersome than it is today, and I never followed through.  It was not until after the events of September 11, 2001, that I decided to finally get my CPL.  My main reason for getting it was the increasing fear of terror here in the U.S., and I wanted to be prepared to protect my family and others if necessary.

For a long time now I’ve said, along with others, that we are more vulnerable as a nation than perhaps we ever were.  If there was ever a time for people to prepare themselves with proper training and obtaining a license to carry a concealed pistol, the time is now as we live in dangerous and precarious times.

I am not going to rehash past printed articles, but I will post a few of them here for you to read and see for yourselves the dire circumstances we find ourselves.  It is just a matter of time before we see another terrorist strike on our soil.

The lack of border control has allowed millions of people to cross into our country without any vetting whatsoever.  Just recently, 8 Tajikistan nationals with ties to ISIS were caught in the U.S. (it is believed that they crossed into the country via the porous southern border).  How many thousands of other foreign assets might there be here as well?  It is scary to even think about it, but that is exactly what we need to do.Nearly 6 Million Border Crossings 2021-2023

Migrants Storm Border in El Paso

Venezuela Won’t Take Back Illegals

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Attack in Moscow

Canadian Border Crossings

These are just a few articles from the hundreds, written recently, on this topic.  Just this morning, I read another article, Risk of Terror Attack on US Soil Rises to Alarmingly High Level.  I highly suggest you read this.  It is terrifying to say the least.

If all this isn’t enough to distress you, there was another local shooting by a deranged person here in Michigan.  This past Saturday afternoon, we were attending an outside wedding ceremony at a nice venue in Oakland Township.  A little past 5:15pm, a sheriff deputy vehicle went flying down the dirt road so fast that the wedding ceremony had to be paused momentarily. Later, we saw the local news, and we realized the deputy was responding to the shooting at a splash park in Rochester Hills.  A lunatic with a handgun, with no apparent motive, started shooting and injuring 9 people.  Fortunately, as of this writing, no one has died, except the lunatic by a self-inflicted gunshot.

We can never be fully prepared for any terror attack or an attack by a mad gunman or woman. We often think that these things only happen to other people, and we let down our guard.  We must stop this way of thinking because, inevitably these events could be in our own neighborhood. Each one of us needs to always be more observant of our surroundings and not be afraid to speak up. If you see anything suspicious, report it immediately to your local authorities.  Being aware is a difficult thing to do because we all find ourselves drifting away with our own thoughts and worries.  However, we must put into practice the skill of situational awareness.  Protecting yourself and your family starts with this basic skill, and it takes effort to cultivate it.

If you or someone close to you meet the qualifications for obtaining a CPL in the state of Michigan, and you have not done so already, now is the time to make that happen.  Do not put it off any longer.

To Your Safety,