Protect the flock

This past Sunday (February 11, 2024) serves as just another reminder to those who lead our churches and other houses of worship that they have a responsibility to protect their flocks.  A woman walked into Joel Osteen’s church in Houston with a long gun, a child in tow and starts to shoot.  Fortunately, the shooter was taken down rather quickly.  This is another example of the hate that is in our world and the actions the evil are willing to take.

It does not seem that long ago, when this idea of arming our churches was a foreign thought.  Who could imagine the need to put armed security in such a sacred place.  Yet, every year we are seeing more and more of these situations with people walking into the sanctuaries and opening fire.  I honestly do not know how to stop this, more than likely, this cannot be stopped.  Hate in its various forms (political, racial, religious) is only getting worse in this world. What we can do though is tighten our security in our own personal lives as well as in our churches.  I believe that we need to see more of our folks who sit in the pews each week armed.  If your church does not have a security plan, that should be high on your priority list, and I would be happy to discuss that with you.  I have always suggested that an unarmed security team is no security at all.  However, it is vital that whomever is charged to lead and participate on a security team must be adequately trained with how and when to use (or not use) a firearm.  This is not something to be taken lightly, but yet it must be done.

Sisu Firearms is available to hold training classes on your site to help people obtaining their Concealed Pistol License.  I also hold classes in private homes, or in my home office.  The first step for most people is to learn the basics.  Learn how to properly handle and fire a weapon.  Reach out today to set up a discussion or schedule a class.


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